31 days of something....

I saw that Darcy at my 3 boybarians is participating in this 31 day thing that looked pretty cool. Since I am trying to challenge myself to be involved, I thought I'd do it but then had to come up with something that I can post about everyday for 31 days of October. I recall a while ago(who knows actually how long) I said I was going to start a 365 project, but clearly that is not yet in the works which is sad because it simply involves taking a picture everyday(which I do anyway) and posting it. But...I guess but is all I can say. I'm just lazy busy with other things. Soon, though.  I definitely plan to pop in and follow Darcy, I started 31 days to a better photo that she did last year, and she's doing 31 days of photo tips this year.
So something that will keep my interest that I can post about 31 times...I'm going with 31 days of my Canon XTi. Not groundbreaking, but it keeps in line with my life right now since I am starting my business. I do not presume to know all of the ins and outs of my camera yet (even though I've had it long enough to know everything by now), but I am making a goal to learn something about it and what I can do with it everyday for the month of October. Maybe someone else will come along and learn something they didn't know yet too! I'm linking up with the 31 day directory, go over and check out who else is participating. There are LOTS on any subject you can think of!!

4 thoughtful comments:

Keisha @ Captured Footprints said...

I'm excited to follow. I just purchased a canon in Feb and I'm still learning!!

Keisha @ Captured Footprints said...

I'm excited to read your 31 days!! I just purchased a canon back in February. Happy posting!!

Cherie said...

I have a Cannon Rebel T2i, I hope some of your posts will be applicable to that too. I wonder how much difference there is in the two models?

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to have found you through 31 Days! Looking forward to your series - love your topic.

xoxo michele

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